Friday, September 12, 2008

I have some pictures to share of some cards I made a couple of days ago. This first one I did for a challenge on Cafe Mom. I was playing around with my Cuttlebug embossing folders. I wanted to try a new technique where you ink up the inside of the folder , and then run it through the machine. I don't own a Cuttlebug yet, so I used my Sizzix. Looks pretty cool!! The others were just using up some of my scraps and I experimented with some stamping and coloring with watercolor pencils.
thanks for stopping by!


Lynne said...

Welcome to the blog world. Great cards.

ChrissyM said...

Gorgeous cards! I love the colors!!

Welcome to the blogging world!


Anonymous said...

I love your fall card.


Unknown said...

Oups! Sorry about the previous aborted post!

Linda, welcome to the blogging world! If your first blog entries are anything to go by, yours will be an interesting blog to follow!

I just love all your cards they are so beautifully made!

Cathy said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.

I love your cards they are so pretty.

Jessica said...

Thanks for leaving the message on my recipe blog! The two of us would get along well! :) Your cards are great! I will have to try the inking of the embossing folder, hadn't thought of that one yet.