Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am new to blogging, so bear with me while I get used to it! There is so much to learn about creating my page and making it all I want it to be! I tend to ramble a little, so maybe doing this will improve my writing abilities..:-)
I have recently become more involved in papercrafting , especially cardmaking. I started out with scrapbooking. I had a friend at work introduce me to it, and she got me addicted! haha! I still love to scrapbook, and I really need to get back to it. I am accumulating more photos that are begging to be scrapbooked. My cardmaking endeavors are becoming my favorite, because there are so many creativite techniques to learn and experiment with. I am sometimes almost overwhelmed with ideas when I am looking at others' card creations, and I just want to create more!! I am getting more interested in the craft of rubberstamping and using Stampin'Up Products. I could put a serious dent in my checkbook balance just buying SU! haha! Its so addicting!

1 comment:

Sprytebyrd said...

Hi Linda! Glad you found my blog (well, one of them!) Welcome to the world of blogging! Careful, it's addicting! What better way to brag about your crafting? :o) I added you to my blog list on my stamp blog and my personal blog, so I'll check back in on ya! Happy Stamping!